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  Rekindle Part I- Stack the Logs, Build the Fire

Do you ever meet God out in nature?  Perhaps around the campfire? Maybe you remember back to sitting around a campfire this past summer, not that many days ago.  The crackling of logs, heat rising to warm your face and hands.  As you focus on the fire, do you feel its warmth? The senses are almost mesmerized.  

Is the feeling of God being out in nature something that you wish would linger?  When the fire is out and the damp coolness of the night moves in again, do you feel a stirring or longing for more?  When out in nature, sometimes our cares and worries disappear temporarily as we step away from “real life”.  We stare into the sky or the flames of the fire and yearn to find peace.  Relationships are messy, life is hard.  We have to work to find that peace in our everyday routines.  

Come to the firepit, join us in the circle as we gather with God’s family.  Bring what you have, God accepts you and loves you for your willing heart.  We each have an ability to help stack the logs to build one fire, with sustaining warmth.  As we stack the logs and stoke the fire together, He reveals more of His life and presence.  We rekindle the fire together, opening our hearts to trust and savor the joy of community.  We all have gifts, but we need each other.  To create a sustainable fire, one that keeps burning steadily, we have to rely on our relationships. With others around us, and our own relationship with God.  And a huge part of relating to one another is sharing our stories.  What log do you bring to the fire? What does your log represent?  How do you see it stacking with other logs to provide stability and allowing the flame to burn bright?

If your log lies on the outside of the fire, what will it take for you to pick it up and find a place for it?  What are the hurdles you find keep you from adding that log to the fire?  Maybe you find that your log is too heavy right now.  Can you help someone else carry theirs?  It’s okay to have a pile of logs on the side and wait for the right time to add them in.  But- in the meantime, how do you stoke the fire that others have built and how do you encourage and let them know that you stand by them?  

If you’re a Christian and a church-goer, do you sense an urgency to rekindle your faith?  Is God speaking to you, are you prompted by the Holy Spirit? 

If you are new to our community or just joining our circle, do you feel something drawing you in, and a desire to be part of something bigger that could be life-changing, for yourself, your family and others around you? 

Rekindle means to excite, stir up, or rouse anew.  To cause the fire to begin burning again, and to ignite.  Join us as we get excited for God’s plan, stir up His joy within our hearts, reignite the flame of what once was within us, both as a church and individuals, with new direction and purpose in these times of uncertainty.  

1 Comment

Tanis over 4 years ago

I like this analogy

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