This SundayPrayer - Stronger Together: Healing Prayer JOIN US IN PERSON @ 11 am or Online by clicking the link below Fall Schedule News Nursery & Kids' Church resume for fall on September 10. Adult Study Group (9:30am) starts again September 10 - studying the book of Ezekiel.
For more infomation visit:
Kids' Church- Moving Forward!Starting Sept 10 Thanks to those who came out last Sunday to hear the vision and heart behind our Kids' Church program. It is wonderful to have leaders and helpers lined up for this fall, and we always welcome more bodies! We would like all families who plan to send their kids (between ages of 6 and 11) to fill out a short registration form that we will keep handy and on file, in case of emergencies and so we can get to know your child better! Forms available in the church foyer, one per child attending (only needs to be filled out once for the whole year, we will continue weekly sign-in and sign-out procedure upstairs every week).
Special Video Message Alert!
As promised, here is the video link of the message that was shared on August 20th while Heath was on a well-deserved vacation. Shared was part two of the series, Building Healthy Relationships | Renovate by Christ's Church of the Valley (Arizona, US), titled "3 Healthy Relationships Everyone Needs." "Who are you building your life with? What are you building your life on? The strength of your building depends on the firm foundation you have. Whether you desire a major change in your life by way of finances, faith, relationships, purpose, occupation, or anything in between, it's time to enlist the Master Planner to provide blueprints for a firm foundation that will stand the test of time." For more infomation visit:
Ladies Fun NightCar Scavenger Hunt - Friday, September 8, 2023 Ladies if you are interested, please let Anita know by September 6th. Those planning to participate in the car rally, meet at the church at 7 pm sharp! There is the option is there to come out to Anita's fire pit at 8:30 for those who want to participate in that part of the evening only. For directions and more info, contact Anita 780-516-0673. For more infomation visit: http://slavelakealliance.com/events/ladies-fun-night/2023-09-08
Praise Items and Prayer Prompts
Pray for unspoken and spoken requests of our church family. If you want to forward a request to our Prayer Team, click the link below to submit a request. Pray for leadership and ministry leaders as they prepare and plan for the fall. Did You Know? Every Monday at 7 pm, a faithful few gather and pray for you, our church members, by name. For more infomation visit: https://www.slavelakealliance.com/ministries/prayer-ministry
Church Membership
If you are interested in church membership, please see the SLAC Membership Info and application booklet (recently updated). Copies are available at the church. |